Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Blame it on 1st Year Molars

What to do? I'm tired, worn out and just keeping myself above the surface. Last week Jonathan had a little runny nose, red cheeks and a slight fever. He’s teething, as babies do, so I gave it little thought. Then on Friday night, Rebekah threw up. Then on Saturday afternoon, Jonathan threw up. Then on Sunday Jeremiah, Josiah, Rebekah and Jonathan were throwing up. Well, with all the kids, except for Jonathan, it passed in 24 hours. I took both Jonathan and Jeremiah to the doctor and they were both placed on antibiotics. Jonathan had a very bad ear infection - so bad it was coming out of his ear! Well, Jonathan continued to throw up for the next two days as we tried to give him liquids in small amounts. But by Wednesday, he looked his worse. He had lost his pink color, his eyes looked tired, large and sad plus had darkness around it. He just didn’t look himself at all! It was holding a different baby. I took him back to the doctor that day and he was a bit dehydrated but the doctor didn’t seemed to alarmed. Well I was! And would you know, that was the day our family was to go away on an already-paid over-night wate rpark vacation! Well, I encouraged the rest of the family to go without me, while I stayed home with Jonathan. He was VERY thirsty and cried often because I wouldn't give him more than 4-8 sips at a time of Pedilayte. But by the end of the day, he looked better, was happy and even nursed me for the first time that day (he had passed over two nursing sessions). But today, it was a different story. He woke up happy and thirsty, but again refused to nurse. Then suddenly, we refused the sippy cup and got really tired. So, after being up for one hour, I put him back to bed. When he woke up, he continued to refuse most of the day. I was able to get a little in him, plus about 1 tbsp of applesauce and a 1/2 of saltine cracker, but he didn't want it. What is the worst, is that he's refusing to Mommy Milk so it’s been over 24 hours since he last nursed! He puts his little finger in his mouth - poor guy! He seemed to like the Orajel I put on his finger - in fact that was the only thing he opened up wide his mouth all day - Baby Orajel! I guess I’ll have to see what comes my way tomorrow – but for now... I blame it on first year molars!

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