The title above is what I'd like to say to the people reading anything in the blog world. It's a whole new world out there! People can be free in their expression like ever before. Suddenly, everybody can be a writer, a reporter, an artist and someone who has a voice and is heard. Then, not only the people in America can hear it (enjoying the free speech we have here in our country), but now anybody all over the world can read it too (that is, if they can read English or whatever other language is being used). It's a different world than it was before, don't you think?
However, with all this wonderful new found freedom us bloggers are having, there are also caution signs that must be put in place inside this new world. Blogger are...well...let me say this nicely...people! Yes, they are humans and like every other human on this planet, they make mistakes and have opinions that don't always reveal the truth or are over opinionated on a certain subject.
Take my last two bloggs. Here I thought I would use this blog spot for something different, but I have chosen to get into politics and animals rights the first two blogs! The last one I wrote caused a few people to respond back with pointed questions I really hadn't thought about. I was asked what was my opinion on using animals for clothing, handbags and other commercial items. I had to explain back that I had never gave it much thought. I be honest, we own a few rabbit skins and perhaps something else 'real' but since I was asked, this I can say - with all the man-made materials today what then is the purpose to continue to kill animals except for commercial gain? We no longer need them killed for clothing and other things, so why do it? I'm a meat eater so by all means, you can't replace a good steak with something man-made, but you can clothing.
Anyway, this is what I mean. It is only my opinion and I'm just voicing it, but not asking anybody to claim it as their own. Bloggers beware. Expect people NOT to have your view. Is it really worth it?

Now as far as the title of this blog goes, every savvy computer user best to know that everything read on a blog should be investigated to see if it is true. We all should know that, right? But how many times do people get their 'facts' from blogs and call them "truthful fact." I'm sure there are more than we want to believe. Right.
Well, if you are reading this and want to test my suggestion, then please do test it on this. I'm going to give you a "factual statement" and you are to study it for yourself to see if it is fact. Here I am - a fairly new blogger - and I'm going to say this -
Are you ready?
"Jesus Christ is God and he loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Believe on what he has done on the cross for you and you will be saved from eternal punishment."
Is this statement above fact or fiction? Well, I'm a blog - a voice - a typed voice - and you have no idea really who I am (except for those who do know me - "Hi everybody!") Am I one of those religious people? As far as the Bible says, I'm really NOT.
Since this is my 3rd blog, I think it best to speak about God - for He is three in one. One blog - third entry (OK - I know that's lame for explaining the trinity. Forgive me!) But regardless, let's talk about God, shall we?
Jesus is God! He said in his Word many times that He was and is God. He told his disciples that, he told the religious leaders that, he told the women at the well that, he told Pilate that, he told Paul that, and he told John to write it down when he was giving him the book of Revelation. So Jesus being God, why did He let himself be killed for something that really didn't warrant a crucifixion. He could of easily stopped it if he was in charge as God, right? Yes and no. In the true sense of the word, Yes he could have stopped it because he is God, but on the other-hand, he could have NOT stopped it because he is God. Do I have you confused? Of course - that's my job!
You see, technically, since he was/is God, he could have stopped himself from being killed. He could have changed the religious leader's minds or just vanished or perhaps sent angels down to slay his enemies, but he didn't. Why? Because he COULDN'T stop his death because he WAS/IS God and God is love. You see, God is full of great love and grace overflowing with compassion and mercy. The Bible says that before the foundations of the world were set into place, "The Lamb" (Jesus) was already slain. That means that before God even made the world, he knew we would rebel and he already had in his plan to send his Son to die in our place for the sins we would make. He planned to send Jesus down to take our place when all of our sins were still future because he hadn't even made the world yet. Isn't that wild? Isn't that amazing to think about. So, Jesus could have kept himself from his own death because he was God and could have prevented it if we wanted to, but since God is pure love and self-sacrificing, then it just wasn't in his nature and not in his plan to do so. He had the power to stop his own death but doing so would mean going against his own nature of grace and mercy and then he would no longer be who he was - a compassionate God and Satan would have won.

Instead, he endured the cross and did raise from the grave on the third day which caused Satan to lose the final war for all eternity. Satan may seem like he's winning some battles, but Jesus has already won the war and I am on the winning side.
So, for those who believe this, if you ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins, he promises that he will and you will be forgiven. After which, God had a wonderful line-up of a life ahead of you. This is not a promise for an amazing easy life, however, it will be a bed or roses - just remember that with every beautiful rose there is always a stem attached with at least a dozen thorns. But, if you place God in control of your life, He will lead you into places you never thought possible and into peace and rest throughout the storms of life. You will not feel alone nor afraid going through tough times with Jesus in your life.
Well, I'm a bit tired tonight. I'll post this for now and perhaps edit it later but I'd like to get this out there on the big WWW (as I call it). If you don't believe what I said, that's the point I was trying to make all the long. Don't take my word for it - study and read for yourself for it is in God's Word.
I hope you find Jesus, if you haven't already. Peace and grace to you (through your computer as you read this entry).
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