Monday, October 27, 2008

Join Michael on Election Day Video

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Join Michael on Election Day

In celebration of only one week away from Election Day, I thought you would like to see Michael's part in this. It seems in this video he has met both John McCain and Barak Obama and they gave him the red-carpet treatment and then treated him badly in the end.

Please check out this funny JibJab political video that they made for this year's campaign. You are able to make your own and put your face into it. I especially like that they made Obama in a fantasy world - funny stuff!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

High School Musical Parents Beware!

Today we treated our children and surprised them by taking them to see the long awaited High School Musical 3. As you can see by my previous blog, I've even placed them into the characters and we made fun of it. We told the kids we were going to a store in our nearby mall because but it was a ploy to surprise them into the front of the movie theater ticket window (which is by the food court). They were trilled to say the least and thanked Dad multiple times!

HSM3 was just as we would expect with clean friendships, overly talented kids, catching tunes and lots of dancing - and of course - a clean love relationship growing between Troy and Gabriella. Sharpay was up to her old tricks again, but at the end met herself face-to-face which put her in her place. And unlike the other movies, I found they directors took more artistic liberties with this one making it seem more like a fantasy rather than a possible reality. I was enjoying every minute of with it with the kids.

All was well - until the end.
Though Sharpey was trying to take center stage again, she didn't seem like the over minding conflict in this movie. Rather, it was Senior Year giving the problems. Where would the graduates go afterward and how can they stay together yet follow where they need to be? It seems the choices of universities and what they were going to become were different and pulling them apart. There was a great scene when Troy sang a song in agony and anger over his upcoming decision.
Gabriella was accepted into Stanford University and Troy was going to be 1000 miles away from her for basketball. Then, he was accepted into a performing arts college so he was being pulled in three ways. Gabrella was 1000 miles away and he had choices from various colleges. In the end, he made Berkeley University his choice because it offered both basketball and theater and was only 32 miles away from Stanford - and his true love. In the end everybody cheered and all seemed well in the world again.
I left the theater with warm fuzzies like everybody else until my husband said, "The movie was just fine until Troy said he was going to Berkeley and he blew it for me!" Here, I found out that Berkeley is among one of the most liberal colleges in the United States. I wasn't aware of this. He went on to explain certain things Berkeley teaches and allows that even earns students credits. Since this is a rated "G" blog, I won't go into detail, but I agree that Troy's final decision was actually the worst choice he could have made.
Disney knew this when it was written in. Walt is most likely rolling in his grave - again. So what else is new? Seeing the cartoon above, perhaps its because Disney is one of the sponsors for Berkeley among many other corporations which we know are prone to liberal views? Most definitely!
What happened Troy? Why do you let circumstance dictate your better sense? One would think that the "boy next door" character Disney writers made Troy - one who doesn't push a girl, seem brash in any way, disrespect his elders and seem at all liberal would not let circumstance dictate his choice of schools. He's too careful to select a school without first finding its values, is he?
But then again, he's just a fictional character and it was the writers who wrote the script.
Let me just say, High School Musical Moms beware! Berkley is not a good choice of schools if you desire your children to keep their conservative views. Like I said in my last blog, don't take my word for it - check it out for yourselves on the web and see. So let's just see how Troy changes in the next few years with is new Berkeley friends and their liberal thinking. Will Gabriella still love him or will he change? Let's see the effects of Berkley in HSM4, shall we?
Though I still loved HSM3, and so did my children, I just thought it odd that they failed in this one point. Sadly, even without any drugs, sex, and edgy teenage/adult themes, HSM3 still came up short in the end (and I do mean in the end!) Regardless, I still enjoyed it and it is clean fun for the family.

Friday, October 24, 2008

High School Musical 3 in Theaters Today

In celebration of the new HSM3 movie (that my kids were just waiting for), I had fun using the HSM3 Jibjab video and made various ones with my children and their friends. Though my oldest looks the best as Troy, I'm posting the one with my two youngest children. The baby is not yet crawling, but here he is talented! My girl is taking dance lessons and perhaps someday may be able to dance like Gabreilla. I put my three oldest boys in the next JibJab video down and you can watch their break dancing moves. I bet you didn't know they could do that! You can watch them below. Please watch and laugh with us. You can make your own free at Enjoy!

In celebration of HSM3 opening today in theaters, here are my two youngest showing their stuff! (9 month old baby & 5 year old girl)

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Check out my Boyz Moves

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Don't Take My Word for It - Study and Read for Yourself

The title above is what I'd like to say to the people reading anything in the blog world. It's a whole new world out there! People can be free in their expression like ever before. Suddenly, everybody can be a writer, a reporter, an artist and someone who has a voice and is heard. Then, not only the people in America can hear it (enjoying the free speech we have here in our country), but now anybody all over the world can read it too (that is, if they can read English or whatever other language is being used). It's a different world than it was before, don't you think? However, with all this wonderful new found freedom us bloggers are having, there are also caution signs that must be put in place inside this new world. Blogger are...well...let me say this nicely...people! Yes, they are humans and like every other human on this planet, they make mistakes and have opinions that don't always reveal the truth or are over opinionated on a certain subject.

Take my last two bloggs. Here I thought I would use this blog spot for something different, but I have chosen to get into politics and animals rights the first two blogs! The last one I wrote caused a few people to respond back with pointed questions I really hadn't thought about. I was asked what was my opinion on using animals for clothing, handbags and other commercial items. I had to explain back that I had never gave it much thought. I be honest, we own a few rabbit skins and perhaps something else 'real' but since I was asked, this I can say - with all the man-made materials today what then is the purpose to continue to kill animals except for commercial gain? We no longer need them killed for clothing and other things, so why do it? I'm a meat eater so by all means, you can't replace a good steak with something man-made, but you can clothing. Anyway, this is what I mean. It is only my opinion and I'm just voicing it, but not asking anybody to claim it as their own. Bloggers beware. Expect people NOT to have your view. Is it really worth it? Now as far as the title of this blog goes, every savvy computer user best to know that everything read on a blog should be investigated to see if it is true. We all should know that, right? But how many times do people get their 'facts' from blogs and call them "truthful fact." I'm sure there are more than we want to believe. Right. Well, if you are reading this and want to test my suggestion, then please do test it on this. I'm going to give you a "factual statement" and you are to study it for yourself to see if it is fact. Here I am - a fairly new blogger - and I'm going to say this - Are you ready? "Jesus Christ is God and he loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Believe on what he has done on the cross for you and you will be saved from eternal punishment." Is this statement above fact or fiction? Well, I'm a blog - a voice - a typed voice - and you have no idea really who I am (except for those who do know me - "Hi everybody!") Am I one of those religious people? As far as the Bible says, I'm really NOT. Since this is my 3rd blog, I think it best to speak about God - for He is three in one. One blog - third entry (OK - I know that's lame for explaining the trinity. Forgive me!) But regardless, let's talk about God, shall we? Jesus is God! He said in his Word many times that He was and is God. He told his disciples that, he told the religious leaders that, he told the women at the well that, he told Pilate that, he told Paul that, and he told John to write it down when he was giving him the book of Revelation. So Jesus being God, why did He let himself be killed for something that really didn't warrant a crucifixion. He could of easily stopped it if he was in charge as God, right? Yes and no. In the true sense of the word, Yes he could have stopped it because he is God, but on the other-hand, he could have NOT stopped it because he is God. Do I have you confused? Of course - that's my job! You see, technically, since he was/is God, he could have stopped himself from being killed. He could have changed the religious leader's minds or just vanished or perhaps sent angels down to slay his enemies, but he didn't. Why? Because he COULDN'T stop his death because he WAS/IS God and God is love. You see, God is full of great love and grace overflowing with compassion and mercy. The Bible says that before the foundations of the world were set into place, "The Lamb" (Jesus) was already slain. That means that before God even made the world, he knew we would rebel and he already had in his plan to send his Son to die in our place for the sins we would make. He planned to send Jesus down to take our place when all of our sins were still future because he hadn't even made the world yet. Isn't that wild? Isn't that amazing to think about. So, Jesus could have kept himself from his own death because he was God and could have prevented it if we wanted to, but since God is pure love and self-sacrificing, then it just wasn't in his nature and not in his plan to do so. He had the power to stop his own death but doing so would mean going against his own nature of grace and mercy and then he would no longer be who he was - a compassionate God and Satan would have won. Instead, he endured the cross and did raise from the grave on the third day which caused Satan to lose the final war for all eternity. Satan may seem like he's winning some battles, but Jesus has already won the war and I am on the winning side. So, for those who believe this, if you ask Jesus to come into your life and forgive you of your sins, he promises that he will and you will be forgiven. After which, God had a wonderful line-up of a life ahead of you. This is not a promise for an amazing easy life, however, it will be a bed or roses - just remember that with every beautiful rose there is always a stem attached with at least a dozen thorns. But, if you place God in control of your life, He will lead you into places you never thought possible and into peace and rest throughout the storms of life. You will not feel alone nor afraid going through tough times with Jesus in your life. Well, I'm a bit tired tonight. I'll post this for now and perhaps edit it later but I'd like to get this out there on the big WWW (as I call it). If you don't believe what I said, that's the point I was trying to make all the long. Don't take my word for it - study and read for yourself for it is in God's Word. I hope you find Jesus, if you haven't already. Peace and grace to you (through your computer as you read this entry).

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kentucky Fried Cruelty and My Two Cents

Make your own KFC sign at I saw a video that made my hair stand up. It was Pamela Anderson in "Kentucky Fried Cruelty." It shows how the KFC Restaurant Chain treats their birds and it was simply horrifying to say the least. You can see it below:
Watch more videos at This was a real eye opener for me. I have always known that the chickens KFC used were not in best of health because it's wasn't uncommon for me to find their bones easily broken when eating them. This means they were weak chickens. But now after seeing this video I can see why and how and I don't think our family will EVER go back to KFC. Even now, my children have adopted the term "Kentucky Fried Cruelty" when we pass by KFC. It is forever stuck in their heads for I let them see the video too. The odd thing is that me and my family are NOT animal activists. I don't go around saying things like "save the animals" nor am I aganist using animals for clothing or food (though I don't see the need to use them for commerical purposes anymore since we have so many man-made materials that can take their place). Our family is not vegetarians. However, I do have one child who hates the idea of eating meat so I have explained to him and my children it is OK to eat meat for even Jesus ate fish and God gave permission for the temple priests to eat the meat from various sacrifices as a provision and blessing for them. However, I feel that Jesus would want us to still be kind to the animals when they are alive. Even during the passover, the lamb that was chosen to be slain was to be taken into the Jewish home for a week and treated nicely. The children were to play with it and they were to give it love so that when it was sacrificed, the family understood how painful their sins were because after a week they had become attached to the lamb. I have seen nothing in God's word that has given us the right to behave meanly to animals who are in our care.
Now I don't know if PETA believes that animals have souls. If PETA does believe that perhaps that's why they are so against KFC. There's nothing said in God's Word that animals have souls - only men do. We are the only created creature that has a soul that can last into eternity. God does speak very sternly about not killing another human being but nothing on animals. However, the Bible gives no liberty on treating animals harshly before they are killed for food either. I believe KFC and the workers working in their slaughterhouses are grieving the heart of Jesus. Not only that but when someone does something so horrifying like that for a time, it makes you numb. Many of the workers take death and killing in those slaughter houses into an enjoyable act and adopt some sadistic tendencies. Hey I don't think any slaughter house should be filled with men who love their work - do you? (Selah)
OK - this is a bit crazy - here is my second post and I'm still talking about something that is off the wall for me.
Something has to be done and our family will do our best to boycott KFC. So hopefully, I won't always blog heavy things like this but I felt I had to do my share on the big WWW to be a voice against KFC's slaughter practices. That was my two cents worth. What is yours?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I Can't Believe this is my first blog posting and I'm Talking Politics

Hello World! Here is the place where I can share my most innermost thoughts about life, liberty and the Pursuit of God (A.E. Tozer). (By the way, God NEVER promised that doing the right thing would lead to happiness or even prosperity) I just finished watching the final Presidential Debate with Senators John McCain and Barack Obama (or as I call him, "Oh Bottom") As you can see, I already have made up my mind whom I'm choosing. The debates haven't changed my views or did anything for me. This, however, I will say - Barack may have words, but McCain has character and that is what is what manners most in the eyes of God and Man. Really. God only measures the success of a nation on their morality and liberalism hasn't always supported the morality of the the Bible. Call me old fashion (thank you very much) or call me right-winged - I don't really care. Both parities have their flaws, but I must stick to the one whom has the more Biblical principles or I will not be able to sleep knowing I haven't supported God's Word. Now here's something to consider. Look at Obama's Official Website. Do you see any flags? Even on snopes at it is proven as TRUE that Barack took off the American Flag on the tail of his campaign plane to put up his "O"wn symbol which is an "O". He calls it the Sunset "O" with a rising flag. His "O"wn symbol? Where did that come from? I agree with my husband, he has the making of being more than a president - he seems to want to become a world leader/power. Many people who are power hungry get their "O"wn symbol that represented "The Cause". Even on his "O"wn website, it says "Join the Movement". What "Movement" - Change???? Whenever I hear of the word "Movement" I think of radicals who want to go against the establishment. Sometimes that can be good and sometimes bad but it manners on the establishment and what the movement is going against. I understand many people don't want another Bush and that is possibly what he's trying to get across with those choice of words - but perhaps it means more - much more. Perhaps his "Movement" is his "O"wn agenda to lead this country AWAY from traditional family values, patriotism, the foundations of our country that our founding fathers have established and put government more in charge of you and me. I don't know about you, but he's scary and I don't trust him a bit. I sence he has an undermining reason to become president that he's hiding very well. Well, I didn't mean my first blog to be political - you know what they say - never talk about religion or politics - but here I am doing both - and on my first blogspot entry! Boy, Oh boy, am I going to make some friends, eh? (No I'm not Canadian but my husband grew up there). Oh well, at least you know where I stand. At least whomever will read this will know that I'm for traditional values and not afraid to blog it. So there! Here's the punch from my first blog to many. May you squirm in your seats.